Troy Niemeier's Portfolio

I fabricate functionality and experiences on the web, as well as behind the scenes.
I automate and abstract away tedious tasks while guzzling coffee beans.
I simplify serious messes and deploy humor off the cuff.
I design dynamic solutions to save from superfluous static fluff.

Technology Skills


  • PHP
  • JavaScript
    • Vanilla JS
    • jQuery
  • HTML5


  • C#
    • .NET
    • Razor Syntax
  • Object-Oriented Programming Principles
  • MVC (Model-View-Controller) Paradigm
  • CSS3
    • Boostrap
    • Semantic/Fomantic UI
  • SQL { MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle }
  • Redis
  • Memcached
  • [.*] Regular Expressions
  • Git
  • JavaScript
    • jQuery Mobile / UI
    • Cordova Hybrid App Development (iOS/Android), w/Plugins
  • MS Office Suite


  • XSL (and XML)
  • Linux
  • Apache / httpd
  • PHPUnit (Unit Testing)
  • Composer (PHP)
  • Bash/Shell Scripting
  • Jira & Confluence
  • Mailgun API


  • Java
  • C++
  • Classic ASP
  • React
  • Angular
  • Wordpress
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
    • Cloudfront
  • Powershell

Basin Electric
Lead Programmer
~4.5 Years
July, 2019
Dec, 2023
Bismarck, ND
A full-stack (LAMP) developer. (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) Plus, a handful of other technologies, including Classic ASP, XSL(T), and a plethora of front-end libraries and frameworks.
Supported a desktop site, mobile site, hybrid web app (built-out for Android and iOS), a CRM site, and a utility/security/workflow repository.
System included an automated data-feed process to convert incoming inventory/stock/property items into ads on the site.
System included multiple automated task-scheduler systems, which each performed many functions, from file retention to user notifications to email inbox processing to statistic gathering/processing to expiring/deleting content on appropriate dates, etc.
Lots of bug fixing. Lots of improving UI/UX.
Enterprise Programmer
6+ Years
May, 2013
June, 2019
Bismarck, ND
A multi-role position, doing custom PHP and C# application development, data integration, a little BI (Business Intelligence, read: "report-building"), and application support.
Gratefully, this position allowed for attendence and flights to multiple conferences per year, and so I got to experience at lot of things that go with such travel/conferences.
PHP tek
LIVE360 in Orlando 2x
ITC Web Developer
~1 Year
Dec, 2011
Jan, 2013
Valley City, ND
Akin to a junior full-stack web developer.
Learned JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap.
Learned PHP, and how to put data in a database, and retieve it.


B.S. in Computer Information Systems
Valley City State University
Graduated May 2013

Minnesota State Community & Technical College
Fergus Falls, MN
2008 - 2009

Certificate of Theological Study in Missions
Lutheran Brethren Seminary
Fergus Falls, MN
2006 - 2008

North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND
2005 - 2006

Jamestown High School
Jamestown, ND
Graduated 2005